Home SPORT Kampala Man Wins 180M From Sports Betting

Kampala Man Wins 180M From Sports Betting [PROOF]

All cash needs were sorted at least for now for one Kampala Man after hitting a wonder 180 million in style. 

Most amazingly, this win came from a small stake. On his ticket (number 3202535230359999). While speaking to the media this winner revealed to us that he accessed Clean Odds Fixed Games on code *274*244*1# then YES for FIXED GAMES, and *274*244*2# then YES for VIP, VVIP, and ODD 2, and paid for a FIXED TICKET. 

He further said that a friend who told him about Clean Odds was usually buying MUST WIN and SINGLE and indeed he was winning.

“My friend was betting and winning on single games, I asked him about the skills he uses, and he only told me to access Clean Odds Fixed Games on code *274*244*1# then YES for FIXED GAMES, and *274*244*2# then YES for VIP, VVIP, and ODD 2 then he drove off,” he said.

He claims Clean Odds boosted his winning in sports betting big boost in pushing this ticket to this big win. 

While picking his cash in Kololo-Kampala handed to him by, Alex Muhangi, the winner said, “I was betting on football but I could lose a lot. So, I decided to access Clean Odds Fixed Games on code *274*244*1# then YES for FIXED GAMES, and *274*244*2# then YES for VIP, VVIP, and ODD 2, and here is the harvest.” 

On what he is going to use this money for, he noted, “I am going to buy land and build my permanent home. I will then use the balance for setting up my stable source of income”.

You can seriously make good profits steadily every day using the popular Clean Odds Fixed Games on code *274*244*1# then YES for FIXED GAMES, and *274*244*2# then YES for VIP, VVIP, and ODD 2.