I can’t be Sheebah, I can only try to be a Better Version of Myself – Ava Peace

Upcoming singer Ava Peace has revealed that she is not trying to be like Sheebah like the way the rumor is being spread.

She said she is working hard to be a better version of herself not the version of another artiste.

Ava Peace replaced Sheebah at her former management Team No Sleep. She was signed early this year but fans are already talking behind her back.

They have been saying that Ava Peace is copying Sheebah’s style and music and wants to be exactly like her and how she used to be in TNS.

According to Ava Peace, her dreams are so big that she doesn’t want to base them on Sheebah. She said she knows her talent and can do much better.

“I can’t be Sheebah, I can only try to be a better version of myself, not like Sheebah. My dreams are much bigger I can’t base them on an artiste ,”!Ava Peace